Upcoming Special Event
The Book Architecture workshop
The High Desert branch of the California Writers Club announces a special workshop to be held in the Percy Bakker Conference Center in Hesperia, CA, 9333 “E” Ave. The event will take place from 10:30am to 3:30pm.
The Book Architecture Workshop
Finish Your Book in Three Drafts: Crafting Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction with
the Book Architecture Method
Finish Your Book in Three Drafts: Crafting Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction with
the Book Architecture Method
Save the date now and make your reservation for an outstanding workshop valued at $85. The price is now $55.
Use the QR code to register NOW for this major event! Payment may be made by check or by PayPal. Click on the Buy Now button to pay via PayPal or see the instructions third to last paragraph below to pay by check. |
It’s the age-old battle between the outliners and the pantsers – those who meticulously script every writing session, and those who plot solely by feel. Finding your unique approach requires a method rather than a formula. The Book Architecture Method has helped bestselling writers transform their messy manuscripts into polished books. Accomplished and aspiring writers alike will learn the secrets of how to painlessly create a complex narrative such as:
- what “plotting” actually means, and why there isn’t one narrative arc but several
- how to make sure your book has one “theme” – and one theme only
- how to separate your work into scenes and use this disassembly to diagnose what’s going wrong with your manuscript
- the secret to why some narratives feel like they are all coming together at an emotional pay-off while others do not
Bio: Stuart Horwitz is a ghostwriter, independent editor, and founder of Book Architecture (www.bookarchitecture.com). His clients have reached the best-seller list in both fiction and non-fiction, and have appeared on Oprah!, The Today Show, and in the most prestigious journals in their fields. He is the author of three acclaimed books on writing: Blueprint Your Bestseller: Organize and Revise Any Manuscript with the Book Architecture Method (Penguin/Perigee), which was named one of the year’s best books about writing by The Writer magazine, Book Architecture: How to Plot and Outline Without Using a Formula, which became an Amazon bestseller, and Finish Your Book in Three Drafts: How to Write a Book, Revise a Book, and Complete a Book While You Still Love It.
Horwitz holds degrees in literary aesthetics from New York University and East Asian studies from Harvard University. He is also an award-winning poet and essayist. He recently relocated to California with his family from New England, something he should have done years ago.
There will be no refunds for this event unless the workshop is canceled by the HDCWC.
Lunch is not provided in the admission price. Attendees will have attractive options for lunch.
Payments by check: Mail to HDCWC, 17645 Fisher St., Victorville, CA, 92395. Make your check payable to HDCWC in the amount of $55 and include your contact email address and telephone number.
You may use the QR code to register and keep informed on upcoming workshop features.
Please note seating is limited and prices are subject to change substantially without notice.
For more information, contact:
[email protected]