Anthologies and Books
These wonderful books come to you through the efforts and authors of the High Desert Branch of the California Writers Club.
Conflict is defined as a struggle or a clash of interest, opinion, or principles. It can be exclusively internal or it may be external with any number of people, groups, or countries involved. When it comes to writing, conflict is the basic ingredient for every good story, the “secret sauce” if you will, that engages the reader and holds them until the very end—and often leaves them wanting more. This key ingredient is the theme for CONFLICT!, the seventh bi-annual anthology offered by the High Desert Branch of the California Writers Club.
Available on Amazon: Click here. |

The members of the High Desert California Writers Club were challenged to submit character-driven stories, memoirs, or poems for the club's sixth bi-annual anthology.The results can be found in the book, "Unforgotten," featuring 41 unique offerings from 21 authors.
Now available on Amazon. Click here.
Now available on Amazon. Click here.

The members of the California Writers Club were challenged to take their concerns about COVID-19 and turn them into fictional short stories. The result is twenty-five original works from twenty-three authors from across the state. Some are upbeat, some romantic, one or two include humor, and several are just downright scary. Many contain the idea that mankind will triumph, and a few predict that things could be a lot worse. But all of the stories are unified by a singular resolve: we are not giving up and we shall prievail.The California Writers Club does not want to profit from the world’s troubles, so the net proceeds from the sale of this anthology will be donated to charities chosen by the authors of the three winning stories.
Those winners are:
1st Place: Violet Carr Moore, Tri-Valley Branch, for "Fatal"
2nd Place: Susan Helene (Nack), CWC-Long Beach, for "The Rose"
3rd Place: Mike Raff, High Desert, for "Zander's Box"
Winners were determined by an independent panel of judges who judged the entries without names or branches. Prizes awarded were $150 for first place, $100 for second place, and $50 for third place. In addition, all net profits from the book made through December 31, 2020, were divided equally among the winners. Checks made payable to a charity of the respective winner’s choice or to the winner’s branch. NOTE: This is not a fundraiser for HDCWC. It is the intention of the HDCWC to donate any net profits. Recipients of net profits made after December 31, 2020, will be determined by HDCWC’s board of directors.
Available on Amazon
Those winners are:
1st Place: Violet Carr Moore, Tri-Valley Branch, for "Fatal"
2nd Place: Susan Helene (Nack), CWC-Long Beach, for "The Rose"
3rd Place: Mike Raff, High Desert, for "Zander's Box"
Winners were determined by an independent panel of judges who judged the entries without names or branches. Prizes awarded were $150 for first place, $100 for second place, and $50 for third place. In addition, all net profits from the book made through December 31, 2020, were divided equally among the winners. Checks made payable to a charity of the respective winner’s choice or to the winner’s branch. NOTE: This is not a fundraiser for HDCWC. It is the intention of the HDCWC to donate any net profits. Recipients of net profits made after December 31, 2020, will be determined by HDCWC’s board of directors.
Available on Amazon
This collection of poems, short stories, snippets of memoirs and personal memories will put a smile on your face and restore your good humor. A total of forty-one works from twenty-two HDCWC authors are combined in this collection. Don't be surprised if one of the stories makes you laugh out loud, or if you find yourself inspired to write a story or poem of your own. This anthology is titled "On the Lighter Side" for a reason. Read it, and you'll find out why. Available on Amazon. |
"For the Love of Writing" the 2015 anthology by the High Desert Branch of the California Writers Club. Available:
Amazon and Barnes & Noble "All Our Yesterdays: A Collection of Memoir Stories," is the second in a planned series of books of the Dorothy C. Blakely Memoir Project, conducted by the High Desert Branch of the California Writers Club.
Because senior citizens with fascinating stories to tell pass away every day, many of their stories are lost to future generations. In 2014 the HDCWC decided to teach local high school students the basics of memoir writing and asked that younger generation to interview their elders so that they could capture those vanishing legends. This book is the 2015 collection. Available: Amazon and Barnes & Noble Before Jack London became a famous author, he was a kid growing up in Oakland. He loved to read. He worked delivering papers to help support his family. He went to school. And he had a best friend named Frank Irving Atherton. The two of them fished and hunted and explored. Some of their get-rich-quick schemes brought them into situations that were funny, and some situations that were more than a little dangerous. They had big dreams. There can be no doubt that Jack's dreams were bigger.
In the 1930s, Frank wrote a book about his boyhood adventures with Jack London and although it was never published, people like Russ Kingman and Jack's daughter, Joan London, did use Frank's manuscript as a resource for their published works. Joan did not want Frank's manuscript to become lost and forgotten, and so, in 1965, she gave a copy of it to the Oakland Public Library to be part of the Jack London collection. Frank was Jack's lifelong friend. He always wanted the story of their friendship to be told. Now, these many years later, it seems the time is right. Thanks to Frank's granddaughters, his manuscript is being put in book form and will be made available to the public. It is a journey of two boys finding their way, with Jack London’s quick mind and adventurous spirit ever apparent. Available: Amazon. Barnes and Noble. Senior citizens with fascinating stories to tell pass away every day without those tales being recorded for future generations. Concerned members of a respected writers club decided to teach local high school students the basics of memoir writing and asked that younger generation to interview their elders so that they could capture those vanishing legends. List Price: $11.99 Available: http: |
An anthology by the High Desert Branch of the California Writers Club. Available: The cost per book online is $10 plus tax and shipping. |
An anthology by the California Writers Club/High Desert Branch
This Project came true 11/22/2010 "Howling at the Moon" is available on and for $15.95 A great reading value! For further details, visit |