important announcements
It's Membership Renewal time
If you are a member and plan to renew online, go to the Membership Renewal Page.
Authors who are club members
If you are a member of the High Desert Branch of the California Writers Club and have published books, you can promote yourself with an author's page on this website. It is is a great way to help people find out about you, find out what books you have published, and where to buy your books. Please visit the Authors page (scroll to the bottom of the page) to find out how to get started.
The California Writers Club is dedicated to educating writers of all levels of expertise in the craft of writing and in the marketing of their work. The century-old club has 22 branches throughout California with about 1800 members. The High Desert Branch was founded in October of 1990.
Our members and guests gather in a friendly, open atmosphere of desert hospitality. We are dedicated to learning and teaching the skills and techniques of writing. Our membership is involved in poetry, screenwriting, horror, fantasy, sci-fi, biographies, memoirs, romance, historical novels, journalism, fiction and non-fiction. All genres and writing interests are encouraged.
We meet on the second Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon,
at the Community Church at Jess Ranch.
11537 Apple Valley Road.
at the Community Church at Jess Ranch.
11537 Apple Valley Road.
For more information, contact President Mike Apodaca.
Mailing address:
17645 Fisher St.
Victorville, CA 92395
[email protected]
For a complete listing of the California Writers Club branches, visit
Branch By-Laws are linked here.
Mission Statement
The California Writers Club (CWC) shall foster professionalism in writing, promote networking of writers with the writing community, mentor new writers, and provide literary support for writers and the writing community as is appropriate through education and leadership.
The California Writers Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Branch By-Laws are linked here.
Mission Statement
The California Writers Club (CWC) shall foster professionalism in writing, promote networking of writers with the writing community, mentor new writers, and provide literary support for writers and the writing community as is appropriate through education and leadership.
The California Writers Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Privacy Statement
The HDCWC does not collect your personal information when you visit this website. Information is collected if you register for a conference or special program, or if you join the club as a member. This information is for internal use and is not sold or distributed to others.