Robert Foster
Robert Foster is the author of Does Your Child's Teacher Measure Up?
As a parent, you may feel that you do not have the necessary skills and experience to evaluate the teachers your child has in school. Maybe you have a gut feeling that something is just not right. The quality of the job a child’s teacher does in the classroom is much like the rudder of a huge ship. It can steer children towards safe landing and success in the journey of life or into the rocky shores of failure. Parents need to be actively involved in ensuring our children are successful in school and life. During his career as a teacher and administrator, Robert helped students improve their academic skills and social behavior. He helped parents become advocates for their children’s education and helped teachers improve their skills. As a writer who teaches, Robert writes to help parents understand the realities of the educational bureaucracy in our public school system. It is his belief that the quality of the teachers a child has throughout their years in school can lead them to be a success or failure in life. The book is meant to create critical thinking about the many assumptions our society has about our public school system.
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